Settings After RM Software Installation

The only Windows 7 settings required after the RM core software is installed relates to sharing the rmwin folder. The concept of sharing is similar to XP but the steps in Windows 7 have changed. Make sure you visit the section on RMWIN Folder Ownership to avoid potential slowness issues. Use the following steps to share the rmwin folder:

Right Click the RMWIN Folder

  1. Click Properties

  2. Click the Sharing tab

  3. Click Advanced Sharing

  1. Click the 'Share This Folder' box. Make sure the share name = RMWIN

  1. Click on the “Permissions” option

  2. Click ADD , select the Advanced button, and Find Now

  1. Click "Find Now" and select the account name specified as your POS user account under the search results section

  1. Click OK, and OK again to get to the permissions boxes.

  2. Click all three permission "allow" boxes.

  1. Click Ok >Ok (Advanced Sharing window), and select Close (rmwin properties window) to exit the sharing interface.


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